Wazifa For Peace And Happiness In Home

Wazifa For Peace And Happiness In Home, Living a peaceful and happy life is what you dream for. Above all, you want prosperity for all in the home. To have peace and happiness in your home in the first place is what you aim for.
However, to get that is not easy. To have peace and happiness in your home you have to dispel the effect of negative energy. Furthermore, you need to identify the source of negative energy.
There can be several harmful sources of energy disturbing your peace and prosperity. Some of this can be:
• Evil intentions of the enemy
• Effect of planetary motion
• Black magic spell against you
• Jealousy of near and dear ones
Thus, to identify the root cause of the problem is key in this regards.
The effect of negative energy can be very harmful especially when negative energy is channelized through black magic. In this case, the intensity of negativity is quite high.
To save your family from this and to maintain peace and prosperity you need something useful. You need a solution that tackles all the sources of negative energy holistically.
Wazifa for peace and happiness at home is that effective solution. Wazifa for peace and joy at residence is a Quranic method which is pure and pious. As a result of performing dua peace would soon be unto your family.
The process to perform Wazifa for peace and happiness at the home is as follows:
• To begin with, perform wudu
• Wear fresh clothes
• Now, start reciting:
“Allaahumma innee ʿabduk, wabnu ʿabdik,
wabnu amatik, naasiyati beyadik,
maadhin fiyya hukmuk, ʿadlun
fiyya qadhaa’uk, as’aluka bi
kullismin huwa lak, sammayta
bihi nafsak, aw anzaltahu fee kitaabik,
aw, ʿalamtahu ahadan min khalqik,
awista-tharta bihi fee ʿilmil ghaybi ʿindak,
a taj-ʿal al-Qur’aan al-ʿađ̣eema rabeeʿa qalbi,
wa Noora Sadri, wa jalā’a huzni, wa dhahāba hammer”
• In the meanwhile pray Allah for peace and prosperity
• Recite this for 11 times a day
• Regularly recite the dua for 21 days
Soon results would be on your side. Keep your faith intact in the process.

Wazifa For Peace In The Family

In addition to the removal of the contrary source of energy, you need to have peace in the family. Many a time internal disputes among family members become a more significant threat then negative energy.
To bind your family together is your main aim. However, the widening difference between family members is something that troubles you. For a family unity in the first place is its core strength.
Therefore when unity and bonding start to freckle, then it’s time for you to act. To bring back peace and prosperity in the family is the only way out. Thus, the search for an effective and long-lasting solution begins.
However, to get that solution doesn’t sound that easy. There are thoughts like, is there any such solution? Can you revitalize the peace, prosperity, and unity of the family?
These thoughts add to your trouble. Furthermore, you start to feel depressed and sad. This is the last thing you need in such a situation. You need to energize yourself to search and execute the solution.
Wazifa for peace in the family is that ultimate solution for. To perform Wazifa for peace in the family with full faith is the right option. As a result of performing Wazifa, you would be able to revitalize peace and prosperity in your family.
The process to perform Wazifa for peace in the family is as follows:
• Wake up early in the morning
• In the first place take a bath
• To begin with, the wazifa read Surah-Al-Falaq from the Holy Quran
• Now, read An-Nas
• In the meanwhile pray to Allah or peace and prosperity in the family
• Read Durood-e-Shareef afterward
• Read this and recite for ten times
• Regularly perform the Wazifa for 40 days
You would start experiencing results in a short period.

Wazifa For Peace In Life

Along with family life, you need to balance your personal life as well. There are your own goals, challenges, and tensions which you sometimes don’t share with anyone. All these affect peace in your life.
Moreover, this affects your family and professional life as well. If peace is absent from your life, all the fancies of the world are meaningless. As a result of the absence of peace in life harmful elements like anger, hostility, jealous, etc. take a toll over you.
To get out of this situation quickly is what you should look for. However, the question of how to do that is what that might be troubling you. The answer to that is simple.
Wazifa for peace in life is what you need in this case. By performing Wazifa for harmony in life, you can soon get out of this situation. The Wazifa is a pure and pious Quranic Amal (Solution).
Perform Wazifa with full faith and efficacy and get desired results delivered.
The process to perform Wazifa for peace in life is as follows:
• In the first place take a bath (To cleanse yourself)
• Now take the Holy Quran
• Read the Surah Fatiha along with Aaujubillah
• Read both for one time
• Recite Surah Ekhlash
• Recite this for three times
• Afterward, recite Surah Falaq
• Recite this for one time
• Recite Surah Nas one time
• Do Bishmillah after completion of recitation (for all the Surah)
With Almighty’s grace peace be in your life.

Wazifa For Peace of Mind And Heart

Peace of mind and soul coupled with peace in the family is one effective solution for leading a happy life. Many a time we a situation where there is peace around you but not inside you.
That is your heart and mind are not at peace. In this case, you miss on the enjoyment of happiness even when you are close to it. Everything around you seems good but not you.
As a result of this, the surrounding happiness that is peace and prosperity in the family also gets affected. Your near and dear ones even start worrying about you. The urge to come out of the situation is there in you.
However, the question of how is something that troubles you. In this regards, there is a need for execution of an active Amal (Method/solution).
Wazifa for peace of mind and heart is that required. You can experience peace and calm as a result of performing Wazifa for peace of mind and heart. The Wazifa is straightforward to show and is effective.
The process to perform Wazifa for peace of mind and heart is as follows:
• In the first place perform the Isha Namaz
• To begin with, complete Wudu
• Open Surat Al Waqi ah
• Recite from Ayat number 1 to Ayat 74
• That is recited from ‘Iza waqa atul waaqiya’ to ‘Fasabbi;h Bismi Rabbikal.’
• Recite them (from Ayat 1 to Ayat 74) once
• In the meanwhile make a prayer to God for prosperity

Contact Name = Zubair Ali khan

Contact No = +91-9660812015

Whatsapp no.= +91-9660812015

Email Id = zubairalikhan86@gmail.com

Website = https://islamicwazifaloves.blogspot.com/

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