Taweez and Dua Protection From Bad or Evil Eye and Jealousy

Evil Eye and Jealousy Protection

Dua Protection From Bad Eye

People can very easily fall a victim of bad evil eye. Bad eye affects you, your family, your health and wealth. Bad eye is not just out of enmity, it can also happen unintentionally. If you feel that you have been affected with bad eye, then the only solution to end its effect is to perform dua protection from bad eye. You suffer a lot because of bad eye but when you recite the dua with a pure heart then its effects cease to occur. And if you practice dua protection from bad eye daily, then Insha Allah you will never be affected by it in your life.

Dua to Protect Yourself From Jealousy

If you are earning well or if you are happy or in good health then there will be a lot of people jealous of you. Sometimes people are jealous of you without any reason. And they do wrong things to harm you and stop your progress. They may also evil eye you and say all sorts of good and bad things to you. But, Allah miyan has given us (Asraful makhlooqat) the luxury to protect ourselves from jealousy and bad eye. When you use the dua to protect yourself from jealousy, you will wipe out all the effects of evil eye and jealousy that enemies or envious people have casted on you.
Taweez Dua Protection For Bad
Dua protection from jealousy – Recite this dua protection from jealousy 3 times before leaving house or going to your workplace and blow everywhere and on you.
“Subhanal Laahi Alhamdulillah Allaho Akbar”

Taweez Protection from Bad Eye and Jealousy

With this dua, you or your work place will never get affected by anyone’s jealousy or evil eye. You can also get taweez protection from bad eye and jealousy. We will make the taweez for you and provide it to you. The taweez should be kept at your work place or worn in the neck. Tell your name and your mother’s name to our molvi saab and he will see if you are affected by evil eye or not and then give you the taweez protection from bad eye and jealousy accordingly. You can also make the taweez on your own by taking help of our molvi saab. But, it should be made with great care and caution.

How to Make Dua Protection from Evil Eye?

Dua protection from Evil Eye – Keep your faith in Allah Miyan and pray to him to protect you from bad eye and jealousy and Insha Allah, nothing will ever harm you. Dua protection from evil eye will never let anything wrong harm you, whether it is intentional or unintentional, from a person or jinn.
You can make dua for protection from evil eye by reciting Durood Shareef & this dua – “Alhamdulillahi Tawak Kalto Alaika Ya Allah”  99 times. Insha Allah, very soon you will be in the safety of Allah Subhana Wal’ tala and always be hay and content.

Contact Name = Zubair Ali khan

Contact No = +91-9660812015

Email Id = zubairalikhan86@gmail.com

Website = https://islamicwazifaloves.blogspot.com/

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