Wazifa and Dua For Choice of Marriage or Wedding

wazifa For Choice of Marriage or Wedding

Wazifa and Dua For Choice of Marriage or Wedding

Dua for Choice of Marriage

In this world of advancement, marrying someone of choice has become quite common and obvious. But, if you intent to marry someone of your choice and you want everything to work out smoothly and well, then you should perform dua for choice of marriage. The dua has the power to make your wedding of choice take place with peace. It will narrow down all the gaps between two families and resolve all issues which arise in your marriage.
Wedding of choice marriage dua is an effective remedy to help lovers get married to their love with ease. If your parents are against your marriage with your lover and you want to convince them, then all you need to do is recite dua for choice of marriage and Insha Allah, your parents will be ready for your marriage. Sooner or later their love will be successful and they will be married. Secret marriage or sprint wedding isn’t allowed in Islam. Thus, you should do it with the consent of your parents. Just perform wedding of choice marriage dua and Insha Allah, both the sides will happily agree for the wedding.

Wazifa for Choice of Marriage

The moment you will send the proposal to the girl’s parents, they will be ready for it. Love marriages aren’t forbidden in Islam. This is why you have dua and wazifa for choice of marriage in Quran and Hadith to convince everyone and marry your love. However, you should do it in the right way as directed and only for a legit and halal purpose. Recite wazifa for choice of marriage with sincerity and purity in heart and Insha Allah, you will get married to your lover very soon.
Dua For Choice of Marriage or Wedding
If you think that every time when you talk about your marriage with your lover, something doesn’t work out. Then you should immediately consult our molvi saab. He will guide you in the right way and provide you with the best wazifa for choice of marriage. Very soon your marriage will happen without any obstacles and problems.

Wedding of Choice Marriage Dua

Dua for choice of marriage is very strong and effective and has been a boon to a lot of lovers who were striving hard to marry their love. It will give you success too. Just recite it with firm belief and Insha Allah, everything will happen in your favour.
Wedding of choice marriage dua is mentioned here:
  • You can perform this wazifa at any point of the day,
  • Recite “Ya Lateefu Ya Ganiyu” 12900 times daily for 40 days.
  • Then take the name of the boy or girl you want to marry along with their mother’s name.
  • Make dua for your marriage.
  • Do not talk to anyone in the middle of the wazifa or you will have to begin it again
  • Insha Allah in between these 40 days, you will get the news of your marriage with your lover.
Female should not perform it during the seven days of their menses. So, they can extend the time limit to 47 days.

Contact Name = Zubair Ali khanContact No = +91-7229965064Whatsapp no.= +91-7229965064Email Id = zubairalikhan86@gmail.comWebsite = https://islamicwazifaloves.blogspot.com/

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