Can I Make Dua That Allah Sends My Boyfriend to Me as My Future Husband?

Replied by Ustadha Raidah Shah Idil

Question: Assalam aleykum,

I am a little youngster who has had an association with a person for more than 2 years, however we separated.

I realize that everything is as of now composed for us and we need to place confidence in Allah, as He most likely is aware best. In any case, I don't care for winding up with somebody whom I don't love along these lines.

Would i be able to ask Allah in my dua's to wind up with the man I adore later on? There are no wrongs considerations, for example, desire included, simply unadulterated love. Could our dua's be amazing to the point that Allah can possibly change my mektab in the event that he had composed something different and award me the individual I really love?

Answer: Assalamualaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh,

I ask this discovers you well. May Allah compensate you for connecting with us. It would be ideal if you pardon me for the deferral.


It was described from Ibn Abbas (may Allah be satisfied with him) that the Messenger of Allah (upon him be gifts and harmony) stated: "There is not at all like marriage, for two who adore each other." [Sunan Ibn Majah]

Dear sister, you made the best decision by cutting off your pre-marriage association. As much as you are harming at the present time, realize that your sorrow will diminish with time. I supplicate that Allah awards you enormous reward for making your atonement, and replaces what you have lost with far superior.

When you are youthful, it might appear that the way to a glad marriage is to be profoundly enamored with an individual. Nonetheless, it takes more than that. Through the span of your marriage. as children are conceived, charges should be paid, and guardians and in-laws age, it would help immensely if your better half is thoughtful, faithful, strong, monetarily keen and excusing. In the event that a marriage isn't taken a shot at effectively through these extremely ordinary life stressors, at that point you can in all respects effectively drop out of affection.

Duas and predetermination

In your most ideal situation, Allah has composed that you will wed the youngster you adore. In your apparent most dire outcome imaginable, Allah has composed that you will wed another person. Allah comprehends what duas you will make even before you make them.

About whether your duas can change your fate, it would be ideal if you allude to this Can Supplication Change Destiny?

It is admissible for you to make dua for Allah to favor you with union with to the man you cherish. In any case, I unequivocally suggest that you likewise make dua for Allah to favor you with the best spouse for you, and to concede you happiness with His Decree.

I recommend that you don't give your heart away to a man until you have done your nikah. Profound and enduring affection can bloom after nikah, inside the security of your marriage.


I urge you to become familiar with the stuff to have a fruitful Islamic marriage. Along these lines, regardless of who you wed, you will have the correct devices to explore the following phase of your life.

If it's not too much trouble perused Before You Tie The Knot and tune in to the Getting Married exercise set.


God willing, you have a very long time in front of you. Maybe Allah has spared you from incredible torment by isolating you from the man you adore. Maybe there is something inside him or his family that will cause you extraordinary torment, should you wed him.

On the flipside, maybe Allah has composed union with the man you adore – just not at this moment.

Just Allah knows. The most ideal path for you to close this entryway of aching is to play out The Prayer of Guidance. You can If Allah makes it obvious to you that union with him is great, at that point He will encourage that for example your folks will be available to the thought. In the event that Allah makes it lear that union with him is unsafe.

Free your heart of connections to Allah, or He will free it for you.

Otherworldly sustenance

God Most High says, "Genuinely it is in the recognition of God that hearts discover rest." [Qur'an, 13:28]

While you are in this defenseless state, it is critical for you to support your central core. Peruse and tune in to Qur'an, quick, discover comfort in supplication, give in philanthropy, help other people out of luck, and other excellent acts.

I implore that Allah awards you straightforwardness and satisfaction. If it's not too much trouble stay in contact.

If it's not too much trouble see:

Love, Marriage and Relationships in Islam: All Your Questions Answered

Chosen Prophetic Prayers for Spiritual, Physical and Emotional Wellbeing by Chaplain Ibrahim Long

[Ustadha] Raidah Shah Idil

Checked and Approved by Shaykh Faraz Rabbani

Ustadha Raidah Shah Idil has gone through right around two years in Amman, Jordan, where she learned Shafi'i' fiqh, Arabic, Seerah, Aqeedah, Tasawwuf, Tafsir and Tajweed. She keeps on considering with her Teachers in Malaysia and online through SeekersHub Global. She graduated with a Psychology and English degree from University of New South Wales, was a volunteer emergency clinic pastor for a long time and has finished a Diploma of Counseling from the Australian Institute of Professional Counselors. She lives in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, with her better half, little girl, and relative.

Contact Name = Zubair Ali khanContact No = +91-9660812015Whatsapp no.= +91-9660812015Email Id = zubairalikhan86@gmail.comWebsite =

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