Wazifa, Dua and Taweez To Protect Baby from Evil Eye

Wazifa, Dua and Taweez To Protect Baby from Evil Eye

Taweez To Protect Baby From Evil Eye

Evil eye will make your baby sick. The baby will get irritated a lot and will start crying. Sometimes the evil eye is so bad that the baby may have high fever. If your baby is suffering from high fever and you don’t have any idea what has gone wrong, then you should come to us. We will give you taweez to protect baby from evil eye. Insha Allah, your child will start recovering the moment he/she wears the taweez.
Our Prophet Muhammad Salallahu Alaihi Wasallam (PBUH) has recommended the use of taweez for protection of baby from evil eye. The taweez will protect the baby from any nazar bud and all types of harm. If the baby has already been affected by evil eye, then the taweez for protection of baby from evil eye will clear out all the effect of evil eye and the child will recover.
Taweez To Protect Baby from Evil Eye
Evil on baby is quite common. When someone looks at a baby with envy or praiseworthy intention and says something good but doesn’t include the mighty name of Allah with it, then Satan performs his act and harms the baby. The evil eyes or buri nazar can be done unintentionally out of love. So, it doesn’t mean that the person had any intention of harming your baby.

Dua For 101% Hifazat from Evil Eye

Dua for 101% hifazat from evil eye – This is the reason why Allah Subhana Wa’ Tala says to use Masha Allah, La Haula Wala Kuwwata Illa Billah, Subhan Allah or Chasmi Bad Dur. They are Islamic holy words that protect against evil eye. But in our daily lives people forget to use them which lead to evil eye on our child. If your baby is constantly crying and you have no idea what is wrong with the child, then come to us.
Our molvi saab will recite the dua for 101% hifazat from evil eye and blow on the child and Insha Allah, your baby will heal. Dua to protect from evil eye is the best solution to instantly wipe out the effect of evil eye. If you cannot come to us, then speak to our molvi ji on phone about this dua and blow on your child.

Wazifa To Protect Yourself from Evil Eye

Wazifa to protect yourself from evil eye – If your child goes to school or out for playing and you are scared that may be he falls a prey to evil eye then just recite this wazifa to protect yourself from evil eye 13 times and blow it on him/ her. Insha Allah, no evil eye will ever have the power to cast an effect on the baby
Wazifa to protect yourself from evil eye – “A’uudoo Bikali Maathil Lahit Tammaati Min Kulli Shaitaanin Wa Hammatin Wa Min Kulli Ainin Laammatin”
If your child is already affected by bad eye, then perform it and blow. Its effect will be gone. Have faith in wazifa to protect from evil eye and get the taweez to protect from evil eye on baby and Insha Allah, everything will be fine in a few days and it protect your baby in the future also.

Contact Name = Zubair Ali khan

Contact No = +91-9660812015

Email Id = zubairalikhan86@gmail.com

Website = https://islamicwazifaloves.blogspot.com/

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